There is nothing better than a cozy fire in your fireplace or wood burning stove during the holidays. The only thing that will ruin it real quick is a mouse scampering across your foot as you go to grab some logs for the fire. Keeping mice out of your firewood may seem like an impossible job, but there are some things you can do to make it less appealing. Effective Pest Services is here to share tips to help you keep mice out of your firewood pile.
Store Firewood Away from the House
You should always try to stack your firewood far from your home. This will make it a little less alarming if you happen to find any rodents in your pile. You firewood should be at least 20 feet from the entrance into your home.
Keep Firewood Off the Ground
If you are looking to deter rodents from your firewood, try storing if up off the ground. A few inches between the firewood stack and the ground will make a big different. You could consider stacking it on pallets that will help give your firewood the ventilation it needs as well.
Consider a Shed to Secure Firewood
If you like to keep a good amount of firewood on hand at all times, you may consider building a shed to keep it secured. At any rate, you need to keep your firewood from getting wet when it rains and snows. The shed will take it even a step further from there. You will be able to control the mouse and rat population as you seal off the shed and keep your firewood both dry and free from rodents.
Rotate Firewood Often
If you are constantly adding firewood to your stack of firewood, it may be tempting to simply full from the top of the stack. This can mean that some of your firewood is there for long periods of time. If the wood is left untouched for a long time, it is far more likely that rats and mice will infest it. You should always be rotating your firewood to help encourage them to move along and leave your firewood alone.
Minimize Your Firewood Supply
It may be handy to keep a lot of firewood on hand all the time, but it may not be worth dealing with the rodents that are constantly trying to make their nests in it. You may want to cut back on the amount of firewood you keep at your home to help with this issue. Only keep a few weeks’ worth before you go and get more.
Mouse & Rat Rodent Pest Inspections, Exclusion, Control, Removal & More in Wellington, Fort Collins, Timnath, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder, Johnstown, Berthoud, Estes Park & Loveland, CO | Northern Colorado
If you are struggling with rats and mice on your property, you can turn to the experts at Effective Pest Services to help you get the problem taken care of. We will help you keep rodents out of your home this winter season. Call us today!