How Dangerous is the Common House Spider & How Do I Get Rid of Spiders in Fort Collins, CO?

There is one pest in particular that many homeowners are terrified of, the spider. Spiders seem to have that affect on people. They have long legs that seem to help them maneuver themselves quite quickly on any surface. When you move an object to find a spider lurking underneath, it is enough to send your heart rate to the races. However, is there actually anything to be scared of? Effective Pest Services is here to talk about the dangers that are posed by house spiders and what spiders you should really be leery of.

Should I Be Worried About House Spiders?

While finding a house spider lurking in the corners and crevices of your home is never something you want to see, these spiders are harmless for the most part. Actually, they don’t usually want anything to do with you. Even if you were to get bitten by these spiders, most people don’t have any reaction to the bite. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t spiders out there that you should be worried about though.

What is the Most Dangerous Spider in the House?

Even though house spiders aren’t anything that you need to be worried about, there are certainly some spiders that pose a much greater risk to your health and safety.
– Black Widow Spider: One of the most well-known venomous spiders is the black widow. These stark black spiders with an hourglass red marking on the abdomen are often associated with fear and dread. Their bite is one that will require you to seek medical attention. The venom in a black widow bite can be dangerous for some people. There are some people that experience more mild symptoms, but the bite is painful regardless and shouldn’t be dismissed. These spiders are reclusive and won’t seek you out. The problem is that it is easy to stumble upon them without realizing it until they have bitten you.
– Brown Recluse Spider: Another spider to fear is the brown recluse. This spider has a venomous bite that is even more dangerous than a black widow bite. The brown recluse is another reclusive spider, just like the name says, and will usually build spin its web in corners that don’t see too many visitors. They are incredibly dangerous spiders, and homeowners should do what they can to keep them out of their homes.

Spider Pest Inspections, Exclusion, Control, Removal & More in Wellington, Fort Collins, Timnath, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder, Johnstown, Berthoud, Estes Park & Loveland, CO | Northern Colorado

Let’s face it, there are no spiders that anyone wants to share their house with. The best way to keep spiders out of your space is to have the professionals at Effective Pest Services help you keep them out. We have the experience and the means to ensure your home is free from spiders of any kind. We want to make sure that there aren’t any venomous spiders in your home, specifically. Your health and safety are our priority. We will work diligently to keep pests of all shapes and sizes away from your home. Call us today!

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