How Do You Know if House Mice have Infested Your Home in Windsor, CO?

Very few people are lucky enough to go their entire life without encountering a mouse at some point. Whether you see a mouse outdoors, in a business, or in a home you do not typically forget the experience. If you suffer from musophobia, a fear of mice and rats, you can probably remember every detail of any encounters you may have had with any mice or rats. One of the most abundant species of mice is the house mouse. The scientific name for the house mouse is Mus Musculus which means “little thief.” This name seems like the perfect fit for the house mouse since it is known for foraging for food wherever they go. Effective Pest Services delves further into house mice below.

House Mouse Identification

Knowing whether or not you are seeing a rat or a mouse can be hard. Here are some features that can help you identify the house mouse. The house mouse is dusty gray in color. They weigh between 0.5 and 1 ounce and are between 2.5 and 4 inches long. Their tail can be as long as their bodies. They have small heads, slender bodies, moderately large ears, and small eyes. Many people believe that mice are blind. They are color blind, but other than that they can see just fine.

Where Do House Mice Live?

Mice can live indoors or outdoors. If a house mouse lives in the city it will most likely spend its entire life in buildings. In rural and suburban settings may rotate back and forth between living indoors and outdoors. Whether they live indoors or outdoors they will need to find something to eat. Mice get most of their water from the moisture found in their food. They eat cereal grains, meats, and seeds. They are good at finding sources of food in whatever environment they are living in.

Fast Reproduction of House Mice

The average house mouse will live between one to two years. Once they are born they reach their sexual maturity after just one month. Then they can have 6-10 litters per year with 5-7 pups per litter. The gestation period for a house mouse is twenty days. When you add those numbers up it is easy to see how fast you can have a large mouse population develop.

Signs of House Mice

With their ability to multiply so rapidly they can be extremely hard to get rid of if they take up residence in your home or business. Luckily there are clear signs that your house has mice in it. You may start to see mouse droppings around hour home. Mouse droppings are rod shaped and about ¼ inch long. Mice will gnaw on paper and boxes so that they can use the material to build their nests. If you see mouse droppings or signs of gnawing you will want to take immediate action to prevent them from multiplying more than they already have.

Mouse & Rat Rodent Pest Inspections, Exclusion, Control, Removal & More in Wellington, Fort Collins, Timnath, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder, Johnstown, Berthoud, Estes Park & Loveland, CO | Northern Colorado

There are many different options for getting rid of mice. Many people will start with do it yourself techniques as there are many different traps and pellets that are available for consumers to try. The problem is that these methods are extremely ineffective if you don’t know what you are doing – and can even make the problem worse if the mice infestation has more time to breed. If you do not have any luck getting rid of the mice in your home or you want to get rid of them as soon as possible, give Effective Pest Services a call today. We will send one of our technicians out to your home to talk to you about the solution to help you get rid of your unwanted guests.

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