With the weather outside still cold and the winter in full swing rodents are still trying to get in your home to find a nice warm spot to stay. They are also in search of food and water and will get in any home that they find access to. If you want to stop rodents from getting into your home you can follow these few steps Effective Pest Services has outlined below.
Clean Up Crumbs After Eating
A rodent such as a rat or mouse does not need much to sustain its life. They need small crumbs that are easily found in most homes across the United States. The best way that you can take their meal away is to clean up after each meal. The kitchen is the best spot for a rodent to get what they need so make sure take time to clean. Take time to clean off the counters and floors to pick up the crumbs. Also make sure that you don’t leave any dishes in the sink that has food on them.
Seal Up All Food
A rodent is able to smell food and get to is even if it is in a cupboard. Take any open containers of food and place them in a sealed bag or container to be sure that a rodent has no access to it. Also be sure that after you use sweet sticky sauces such as honey or syrup you wipe off the top and anywhere the syrup or honey has spilled.
Rodent Sealing to Close Gaps into Home
A full grown mouse can fit through a small hole in the wall or door the size of a nickel. It does not take much for them to sneak in and start to burrow in the wall and attic space. Take time to look around the home inside and out and be sure that you look for small gaps in the wall. You should also be sure to check the doors and windows for space that a rodent can get in. You can seal these gaps with weather stripping or caulking that you can pick up at any home improvement store.
Mouse & Rat Rodent Pest Inspections, Exclusion, Control, Removal & More in Wellington, Fort Collins, Timnath, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder, Johnstown, Berthoud, Estes Park & Loveland, CO | Northern Colorado
The most effective way in keeping rodents and other pests out of your home is by hiring a professional pest control company such as Effective Pest Services. We offer services that can not only inspect for rodents and pests of all kinds but treatment plans that can exterminate them and prevent them from returning. Call Effective Pest Services today to make an appointment to have your home rid of rodents today!