Do Spiders Die Off in Winter or Do They Hide in Houses in Johnstown, CO?

Spiders are a pest that no one wants to see in their home. They are so scary that movies have been made solely based on the fear of spiders. There are some spiders that are venomous and can cause some irritation and even some pain. They do have some great qualities since they eat other insects and pests that may be in your home. When the weather changes to colder temperatures people assume that the pests they are currently dealing with will be gone. The issue is that there are several pests that are able to make it through the winter while others emerge in the cold. Spiders are one of the pests that will hang around all year round and seem to be a problem even worse when the temperatures drop. Spiders do have some interesting characteristics that make it possible to for them to make it through the winter weather. Effective Pest Services what how spiders can live through the winter and what attracts them into your home.

Spiders Have Antifreeze Proteins

A spider has antifreeze proteins that run through their body that allows them the ability to survive in the cold weather. They are even able to make it if the weather is below freezing temperatures. That sets them apart from many other pests and critters. AFP is the antifreeze protein that will attach to the ice that starts to build up in the blood and system of the spider. Without it, the spider would die when the ice crystals start to form and that is a main reason that spiders are able to last through the cold. This protein is one reason that they can stay out doors when the weather is cold.

Spiders are Cold Blooded

A cold blooded pest is a pest that keeps its body temperature at the same level as the surroundings. That means if the air, soil or weather around them is cold, so is the pest. Spiders are cold blooded and that means they are not able to warm up their body but they also do not shiver either. The spider is able to live in the cold and that means that they are not a pest that will come in your home to find a warm spot to nest. They can stay outdoors but they don’t usually.

Why Do Spiders Come Into Your House in Winter?

Spiders are a pest that can and will live outdoors because they can. That does not mean that they are not going to stay outside. The issue is that the majority of the pests that are on the dinner plate of a spider will be in your home during the cold months. The spiders still need to find a meal and that means that they will come in just for the food which means your home is a great place for that. The best way to keep spiders out of your home is to have it treated for all pests. This will take away the food that a spider is out looking for.

Spider Pest Inspections, Exclusion, Control, Removal & More in Wellington, Fort Collins, Timnath, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder, Johnstown, Berthoud, Estes Park & Loveland, CO | Northern Colorado

Effective Pest Services offers pest control services to treat your home for winter pests. Call us today!

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