The different types of ants have their own characteristics that make them unique though most ants share enough similarities that people recognize an ant when they see one. Different areas can have different species but ants are a global insect that do not know man made boundaries. Today we at Effective Pest Services would like to elaborate on the fundamentals of pavement ants in Northern Colorado.
Pavement Ant Identification
Though generally they always have lighter appendages compared to the rest of their body that reaches up to an 8th of an inch long, pavement ants vary in color from light brown to black. Another distinction is parallel lines on the head that lead to the thorax. The 12-segmented with a 3-segmented club belong on the pavement ants’ antennae. It is convenient and easy for them to get inside homes and businesses as they hide in these locations to build their colony.
What Do Pavement Ants Eat?
As pavement ants eat the dead insects along the way, they most often intrude inside in the hopes to pilfer sweets and proteins. They look for food in trash, crumbs left behind, and in open food containers as well as any pet food they find inside or outside after they stealthily slip their way through the cracks and gaps of the basement floors, foundations, concrete slabs, and walls. Pavement ants will continue to stick around if they find a convenient food source.
Where Do Pavement Ants Build Nests?
Beneath bricks, patio blocks, stones, and logs are preferred nesting locations. When they decide to nest inside your home or business and can be a challenge to find the heart of the nest, pavement ants will typically be drawn to the wall’s insulation and under floors. They take advantage of mulch materials to nest underneath as well. You need professional assistance for effective elimination if you suspect pavement ants inside your home or business. When you see their mounds of pile dirt, an indication they are nesting outside our home.
How Many Pavement Ants are in a Colony?
In each nest, pavement ants include multiple queens and thousands of workers. A new colony is established when the queen lays her eggs. The worker ants take care of the brood until they have developed into adulthood. Broods are transferred from location to location to protect them from fluctuations in moisture and temperature. The complete metamorphosis once pavement ants hatch from the eggs, the larval eventually grow into pupal stages until they become mature adults. The swarmers that are equipped with wings, both males and females, are the reproducers who will mate, particularly during June and July. Starting the process over, the females will search for new nesting areas and become the queen of a new colony after mating.
Ant Pest Inspections, Exclusion, Control, Removal & More in Wellington, Fort Collins, Timnath, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder, Johnstown, Berthoud, Estes Park & Loveland, CO | Northern Colorado
Pavement ants are more of a nuisance and are typically docile though they will sting if they are provoked. Call Effective Pest Services today and let our specialists take care of your infestations if you have pavement ants, or any other pest for that matter. Though they are active all year, pavement ants are most active in the summer and now is an excellent time to treat your home or business to prevent any escalating infestations.