Have you ever noticed the influx of cockroaches in the hot summer months? Most people call for an increase in roaches as soon as the weather starts to warm up. Cockroaches continue to be a problem all summer long and even into the fall months. They are a nasty pest that can carry around bacteria that can make your family sick. They also are known as a catalyst for people that suffer from allergies and asthma. The problem is that every year they become a big problem especially in the summer. The reason is not so much that they love the heat, it is more because they don’t. Effective Pest Services outlines why cockroaches love the summer and how to keep them out of your house.
Why Do Cockroaches Get Worse in the Summer?
Having a cockroach problem more so in the summer months is not a figment of your imagination. They in fact become more and more of a problem as the summer heats up. When it comes to peak times for cockroaches it thrive summer is where it is at. This is the time of year that they breed and the females lay their eggs. They also are able to move faster and metabolize faster as well. That means they are more active and the newly hatched babies are growing at alarming rates. The interesting thing is that they do well in the heat but they actually don’t want to be out in the sun. They come out in the night when the sun is gone and find food to eat. They need to be near some area of moisture if they want to live. That is why if you live in a dry area they are more likely to come in the house. This can lead to an invasion very fast. If you start to notice that there are roaches around your home they are most likely inside as well. It is best to get a hold of a pest control company to start treatments right away.
What Keeps Cockroaches Away from Your House?
When it comes to cockroaches they are like most other pests and that means they are looking for food and water. They also want to a place to live but they need to survive first. That means the better you are at keeping food cleaned up at the end of each day the better off you are. You also should remove any garbage from your home at the end of the day and take it outside. When it comes to where to keep the trash bins you never want to lean them up against your house. Keep them away if at all possible. You also want to stop any leaks or moisture that is building up in your house. Any moisture build up can be a great source for many pests including cockroaches to invade.
Cockroach Pest Inspections, Exclusion, Control, Removal & More in Wellington, Fort Collins, Timnath, Greeley, Longmont, Boulder, Johnstown, Berthoud, Estes Park & Loveland, CO | Northern Colorado
If you are concerned about cockroaches in your area or your home you need to call out a pest control company right away. Effective Pest Services offers effective pest control services to treat for cockroaches and other pests that may be invading your home.